


National School Chaplaincy and Student Welfare Program 

1. General statement about the aims of the service within the school

The Chaplaincy Service forms one part of the school’s Social and Emotional Learning Program, providing pastoral care and general spiritual, social and emotional comfort to all students, staff and parents who wish to access this service.

Chaplains have a key role in supporting the spiritual wellbeing of students, regardless of faith or beliefs. The Chaplaincy Service supports students, their families and staff of all beliefs and does not seek to impose any beliefs or persuade an individual toward a particular set of beliefs.

The Chaplaincy Service is funded solely by the National School Chaplaincy and Student Welfare Program (Department of Education, Employment and Workforce Relations) through the funding recipient Scripture Union. Fundraising is done at the community level to support Chaplaincy Services and Programs at our school eg Breakfast Club. Other services that support student wellbeing at our school are funded through Education Queensland ie. Guidance Officer and Support Teacher Literacy and Numeracy.

The Chaplain must ensure that all services and programs she delivers:

i. are approved by the Principal,

ii. have the appropriate prior parental/guardian consent, and

iii. have the voluntary consent of the students who participate in the programs or service.

Our school provides a yearly progress report to Scripture Union (the Funding recipient) and the report is lodged with the Department of Education, Employment and Workforce Relations (DEEWR).

The school community participates in an annual consultation process in Term 3 of each year to ensure that the Program continues to be relevant and effective for the needs of our school community. The consultation includes:

i. invitations to comment in the school newsletter,

ii. surveys to parents from the P&C Association and from the school,

iii. student surveys and feedback,

iv. staff surveys,

v. records of the use of the Chaplaincy Service and programs,

vi. parent feedback throughout the year,

vii. feedback from the school’s wellbeing team, and

viii. comments and minutes from P&C meetings.

2. Overview of the role of the Chaplain within the school

Our Chaplain is Samantha Whittington, known in the school community as Chappy Sam. She completed a Diploma of Youth Work in 2012.  Chappy Sam works as part of a school student support team to plan and deliver student welfare programs eg. lunchtime activities, personal leadership programs, school community celebrations. All programs are approved by the School Principal.

Our rostered days for Chappy Sam are every Tuesday and Thursday throughout the year.  The Chaplain is bound by the Student Protection Policy and must report any concerns about child safety to the Principal immediately.

Chappy Sam:

  • runs the Tuesday Morning Breakfast Club with local volunteers

  • participates in school camps and excursions

  • attends assemblies and other significant school events

  • supports school staff to supervise and interact with students during lunchtime play options and activities

  • provides support and appropriate referrals in times of grief and other critical incidents

  • refers students, parents, staff, carers to specialist services in the school via the school’s Guidance Officer

  • attends P&C meetings, contributes to the fortnightly newsletter

  • facilitates community partnership programs between the school and the wider community

  • offers pastoral support to parents, staff, families and students with parental consent

  • supports students who express a desire to explore their spirituality

  • does not provide Religious Instruction lessons to students in our school

  • adheres to the Program Guidelines and the Code of Conduct at all times

3. Voluntary participation in the service

 It is not compulsory for students to access the Chaplaincy service or programs run by the Chaplain. Parents must give written consent before their students can utilise the service.  Parents/guardians give permission by completing a permission form, obtainable on request at the school main office. The completed form is then given to the school’s Guidance Officer (the Chaplain’s line manager). The Permission form is also submitted to the school’s Student Support meeting where confirmation of the request is made.

4. How to opt out of the service

 Because access to the Chaplaincy service activities is solely on a voluntary basis, with written permission necessary from parents, students will only participate when this requirement is in place. Parents opt out by not consenting to their child’s participation in Chaplaincy activity.

5. Complaints handling process

Under this Program, a complaint is described as an expression of concern or dissatisfaction following an incident or pattern of behaviour by a NSCSWP funded chaplain or in relation to a particular NSCSWP service or funding recipient. Complaints can also relate to any aspect of the NSCSWP.

All complaints about the school chaplain or the chaplaincy service should be directed to the Principal in the first instance. All attempts are made to resolve complaints at the local level in the first instance. If the complaint cannot be resolved at the school level or the complainant does not wish the matter to be dealt with at the local level, then the complaint will be escalated to the Scripture Union, (the Funding Recipient) or to the Department of Education, Employment

and Workplace Relations (DEEWR). All Code of Conduct matters and significant complaints are referred by the Principal to Scripture Union (the Funding Recipient).

The Chaplain has signed a ‘Code of Conduct for School Chaplains under the National School Chaplaincy and Student Welfare Program’. For a copy of the Code of Conduct, see Appendix below.

The school has a Risk Management Plan that outlines strategies to address complaints made against the school Chaplain.

6. Recognition and acknowledgment of the program

The source of funding enabling Scripture Union to employ a Chaplain to work two days each week at The Hall State School is the Australian Government’s Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations under the National School Chaplaincy and Student Welfare Program.


Australian Government Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations National School Chaplaincy and Student Welfare Program Code of Conduct for school chaplains/student welfare workers

There is a Code of Conduct for school chaplains/student welfare workers engaged under the program. This document must be signed by the school chaplain/student welfare worker before the school chaplain/student welfare worker commences any chaplaincy/student welfare services under the Program. School chaplains/student welfare workers who refuse to sign the code will not be permitted to be part of the Program.

You can download and view the Code of Conduct (DOCX, 23KB).

Last reviewed 12 March 2020
Last updated 12 March 2020